When your smile is suffering and you’re in pain, you require a dental specialist ready to handle the difficulty of fixing your smile. That’s exactly what you’ll get at Fielder Park Dental. Our staff is made up of skilled, skilled dentists and also compassionate staff members who will provide you the very best dental experience possible.
When you’re in pain, you may be more distressed than normal. If so, we can administer sedation before your procedure to relax you and also soothe your nerves. We’ll additionally go at your pace as well as respond to any concerns you have about your dental care. We wish to make sure you’re as relaxed as feasible.
When you come in for your dental emergency, we’ll analyze you as well as recommend any restorative or other types of dental care to stop your discomfort and also get your smile back on the right track. Below are a few kinds of emergency services we offer:
- Tooth Fillings— We treat cavities with tooth-colored dental fillings so they work normally again and still look natural.
- Dental Crowns— If you have damaged a tooth, we can cover it with a crown to restore it.
- Root Canal Treatment— With an infected tooth, a filling isn’t going to suffice. Instead, we perform root canals to remove the inflamed cells. The treatment can remove the cause for your tooth pain and allows us to reconstruct your bite and also your smile.
- Tooth Extraction— When the damage to your teeth is too great to restore it, we can manage a comfortable tooth extraction.
- Dental Implants— If you do require an extraction, you must get the strongest teeth replacements feasible. Implants replace the roots of your extracted tooth, so your reconstructions can be secure and strong.
When time is essential, visit an experienced emergency dentist near Kennedale, TX. Call Fielder Park Dental now at 817-275-4817 For non-emergency needs, you can additionally schedule an appointment Contact Us.